Awatuna Sea Scouts is all about fun, challenges and adventure.


Scouting is not just about knots, woggles and scarves, and it's not just for boys either!

The Awatuna Sea Scout Group is part of Scouts New Zealand organisation and the wider World Scouts organisation. Scouts is about fun and personal development: this means promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential.

In SCOUTS, we believe that young people develop best when they are ‘learning by doing’, when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Scouting is a growing world wide youth movement with over 25 million members and over 18,000 in New Zealand. Scouting focuses on young people from 6 to 26 years of age and provides them with opportunities for fun and adventure as well as helping them to develop skills, gain self-confidence and learn teamwork and initiative. The New Zealand program is broken in to five age units; Keas (ages 6-8), Cubs (ages 8-10), Scouts (ages 10-15), Venturers (15-19), and Rovers (ages 19-26). Scouts groups are supported by a Group Committee made up of interested parents and other adults in the community.

As Scouts gain maturity and experience, they are encouraged to take on more responsibility for organising and overseeing their own activities.

Our program offers a wide range of water activities, including swimming, kayaking, sailing, and power boating, as well as traditional scouting outdoor activities such as camping, hiking while they develop their individual leadership skills.

Ready to join us in the fun?

Click Join Us to find out details around the meeting times, fees, and other requirements.